Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Spot Of Art

We've just got back from the Station in Richmond, North Yorkshire. This wasn't a train journey (the railway in this part of the Dales closed in 1969) but a visit to an exhibition of pictures from over two hundred artists and photographers on display in the restored railway station.

Since opening in 2007 Richmond Station has become one of the region's most popular venues for exhibiting art. Their latest initiative, A Spot on the Wall, is a fantastic opportunity for local artists to put their work in front of thousands of people, who may not otherwise visit an art exhibition or commercial gallery.

As well as local residents, the Station attracts many tourists visiting the region from all around the world. We watched people coming and going all the time, not only to see the art but to visit the shops, the cinema and have coffee or lunch in the open-plan restaurant. This is a thriving centre of the community.

Although we didn't go intending to buy anything (our walls are pretty full at the moment), we were very tempted by many of the pictures and the fact that all the artists are locally based. In fact, we spotted the names of several artists that we recognised from previous events we've visited in the region.

While we were there we chatted to the Curator, Donald Cline, who told us that one lady had bought her first ever picture. This was largely down to the informal surroundings, the easily accessible displays and the wide variety of pictures on show.

Of course, you don't have to buy, the show can be treated simply as a large exhibition of original paintings, stunning photographs and limited editions. It seemed that wherever we went in the building there were pictures; they clung to display panels, paraded along the mezzanine gallery and meandered down the corridor to the shops.

Curator, Donald, is delighted with the response to the show.

"Art lovers have already bought up sixty-five of the pictures on display, raising over £13,000. This is great news for the artists and also helps to support the running of the Station," Donald told us.

We like the idea of this event, giving people the opportunity to see lots of local artists in one place and being able to buy a picture and take it home straight away; you don't have to leave it until the show is over.

The exhibition and sale ends on 3rd September 2010. You can read more information at www.richmondstation.com.

Update: At the end of the show, 110 pictures had been sold, raising £22,000. An estimated 40,000 people had visited the Station while the show was running.

Love Your Art,
Vicky and Vince

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