Thursday 9 September 2010


Last week was a busy week for us. On Thursday evening we headed to Arthur Robinson House on The Green in Billingham for the opening evening of the Encore exhibition. Here fine art students from Cleveland College of Art and Design were showcasing and selling art they had produced on their courses.

On arrival we were greeted with a glass of champagne and canapes, always a good way to start any social occasion! We strolled around, admiring the skills of these young artists whose work included paintings, glass, plaster, porcelain, mixed media and prints.

Here are some of the works that particularly caught our attention. (With apologies for our low resolution images that don't do justice to these artworks.)

Even before we entered the building, we noticed a colourful set of prints through the window. "Emotions Within Relationships" by Lauren Duncan explores relationships between people, from beginning to make friends, to a more involved relationship and finally its deterioration and breakdown. The work is split up into segments to reflect these stages. The wide range of colours and varied patterns, including figures, is intended to help viewers connect with the work.

Kirsten Yates presented a series of three large canvas paintings entitled Fairytale. These largely abstract images are intended to relate to the more real aspects of the Alice In Wonderland story (one of Kirsten's favourite books), rather than the more obvious "fairytale" images. The pictures are based on deserted forests. The use of strong shades of blue in this picture made it stand out to us.

We liked the set of digital prints by Hope Stebbing, called "Home Is Where The Heart Is". These showed repeated, hand drawn images of everyday objects. The curvy shapes and bright pink and purple colours on the old-fashioned telephones created an image reminiscent of the 1960s. Vince said, "It reminds me of record covers by the Beatles." Vicky liked the clean, simple lines of the birdcages. "It's unusual to have simple outlines rather than blocks of colour," she noted.

Sadly we don't have enough space to talk about all the art that was on display but the students have clearly put in a lot of effort to produce some substantial works of art. Well done all.

Check out the College's site at

Love Your Art,
Vicky and Vince

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