Tuesday 18 January 2011

Art? Passive?

I was chatting to a friend yesterday about our blog and how interesting it is to be getting more and more involved in art activities. She was only half listening, nodding politely from time to time. When I paused, giving her a chance to make a comment, she said, "That's all very nice but art's a bit passive for me."

Passive! Passive! I couldn't believe my ears!

Perhaps a stroll round a gallery casually looking at the pictures to pass the time of day is passive. But beyond that you will find that art is an exciting, dynamic and sociable activity. Vicky and I can spend whole evenings talking about art in general as well as discussing the concepts and merits of pictures or objects we have bought. It's fascinating to explore what the artist is trying to achieve with their work and what it all means.

And when you start chatting with the artists themselves there is so much to learn about their inspiration and the techniques they use. It's great listening to their stories about life as an artist, the places, people and art they have encountered.

Then, of course, there are the endless exhibitions, galleries, open studios and outdoor sculptures to visit. Sometimes it's difficult to choose what to do with our time, there's just so much going on.

My friend was now listening intently. "It sounds like lots of fun the way you explain it," she said, "but you must be exhausted all the time."

Well, maybe not quite exhausted but we really do enjoy the varied and stimulating world of (not so passive) art.

Love Your Art

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