Tuesday 25 January 2011

Arts Centre Update

We are pleased to hear that Darlington Arts Centre has been given a temporary reprieve from closure.

Unable to maintain their financial support due to the Government cuts, Darlington Borough Council had proposed the closure of both the local theatre and the arts centre. Now, following discussions with various interested groups, the Council have decided to try to sell off the Civic Theatre as a going concern. They will also be able to provide partial funding of the Arts Centre for another year, allowing other groups the time to properly organize themselves and take over the running of the centre by April 2012.

Last Thursday we attended Darlington For Culture's latest meeting where the new proposals had created a more optimistic mood. The council also propose creating an Arts and Culture vision for the town to give a clear and co-ordinated focus to whatever facilities and services will be provided in the coming years.

All interested parties would be involved in creating the new vision and as the seventy or so people attending the meeting fell into this category, we made a start. Tables, paper and pens were set up for four categories: people/service users, artists/producers, venues and education. We wracked our brains, discussed and debated, and scribbled down ideas about what we would like to see provided over the next ten years or so. After about half an hour, several sheets of A1-sized paper were filled with people's thoughts and comments. We look forward to seeing the summary of these ideas and the ultimate vision that, hopefully, they will influence.

It is not yet clear how the Arts Centre will operate during the transition year and whether there will be any reduction in services provided. From Darlington For Culture's point of view there is still a huge challenge ahead to retain the Arts Centre and the cultural activities that take place there. The group's steering committee will have their work cut out for them over the coming months.

Vicky and Vince,
Love Your Art


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  2. Thankyou for sharing this - it is really good news!
