Tuesday 19 October 2010

Credit Crunch Art

Times are tough. The future's uncertain. Everyone's short of money and along comes the perfect picture you've been waiting for. Or in our case, three of them.

We don't want to miss this opportunity but buying so much art may not be the best use of funds during the credit crunch. On the other hand, we don't want to wait or we may miss out.

So should our personal cutbacks affect our art collecting or can we justify buying art in a recession? Here are eight good reasons that we use.

1. It's cheaper than a holiday. Of course it depends where you go: giving up a wet weekend in Bognor may not pay for the Mona Lisa but postponing that two weeks at a 5-star hotel in the Seychelles could buy you some very nice artworks.

2. You can cut back on other things. Try living on baked beans for a week, or three...

3. It's an investment - you'll be able to sell it in thirty years to fund your pension, probably.

4. It cheers you up every time you look at it. (Vicky uses that excuse every time she gets a new pair of shoes.)

5. Your friends will think you're really wealthy and not about to lose your job.

6. You can sell the yacht. (Are you listening Vince?)

7. You can buy your next picture from a charity shop. You might even find that lost Van Gogh hidden by the Nazis. Even if you don't it still provides entertainment seeing all the rubbish, sorry, treasures that people have thrown out.

8. Retail therapy works.

So this weekend we'll resurrect the credit cards and go on a spending spree.

Now we're off to have dinner. Guess it will be beans on toast again tonight.

Love your Art
Vicky and Vince,

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